
Growing up, my father loved when my mom would make pot roast, so it only made sense to learn to make this dish on my own… When I found a recipe called “Delicious, Easy and Perfect Pot Roast with Daddy’s Drooling Again Gravy” it sounded like a perfect match. Oh, and you can bet I challenged the “Daddy’s Drooling Again Gravy” title.

Let me break this down for you… This is REAL pot roast. I know that sounds absurd for me to say but I’m kinda used to the pot roast that’s seasoned with a flavor packet of some sort or other (still good stuff by the way!). However with this? I’m talking cut up carrots, onions, smashed garlic… It’s all the stuff that will make this smell ridiculously good when it’s in the oven.

And it smelled FANTASTIC. There were vegetarians in the house that were tempted by this. I’M NOT EVEN JOKING.

It’s the kind of smell where even if you’re not hungry, you will be.

Can I also just note, that it seems impossible to overcook pot roast? Anybody else notice this? I ran to the grocery store in the middle of this cooking, came back later than expected, pulled this out a HALF HOUR LATER than I was supposed to and it was freaking fantastic.

Needless to say, the pot roast tasted as good as it smelled. It was rich, flavorful and juicy, exactly as a pot roast should be!

And the gravy that went with it? Did it meet the expectations the title gave it? You bet it did! My dad actually talked about that gravy for DAYS afterward. He (and I!) couldn’t get enough of it… and I usually don’t even like gravy!

Two big thumbs up from me!
If you’d like to try to make the recipe, you can find it here: Loaves and Dishes

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