It’s hard for me as an American to put into words the horror that was last Wednesday, watching what could only be domestic terrorists overrun the heart of my country’s government. I want to say that I’m shocked such a coup was attempted, but I’m not. Definitely shocked that the security detail was so pitiful given the obvious rage-building happening amongst Trump supporters on social media.

I actually toured the Capitol on my trip to Washington D.C. a year and a half ago. I didn’t blog about it at the time partly because the pictures I took were pretty awful and other things seemed more interesting in comparison.

But now, I look at photos like the one above, where the Rotunda was filled with happy tourists, out for a tour to learn about the Capitol.

And I find myself comparing it to the melee pictured above.

It’s horrifying and gut wrenching. Disappointing, pathetic, and an all around heartbreak.

We can say as a nation, that this is not who we are. We want to be the happy and patriotic image that’s always spouted to us like so:

But it’d be ignorant of us to not accept this is, also, us:

These insurrectionists are just as much America as those who stand appalled at the events that happened. This is us. We need to fix *ALL* the parts of America, not ignore the parts we find unsavory.

Pray that we will BE better in the future.

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