Sherlock Holmes, A study in scarlet

The TL;DR on Sherlock Holmes

Sherlock Holmes makes his debut in *A Study in Scarlet*, and it’s got all the classic elements of a Sherlock story: murder, intrigue, and the kind of deductions that make you go, “Okay, dude, but like… how?” But then, as if Arthur Conan Doyle said, “You know what this story *really* needs? A hard pivot to the American West!”—suddenly, there are Mormons in Utah, and I’m left clutching my tea wondering what just happened.

Watson’s Broke Roommate Saga: A Relatable King

It starts innocently enough with our friend Dr. John Watson, who, much like every millennial in London, is just trying to find affordable housing. Watson’s friend is like, “Hey, there’s this guy looking for a roommate, but fair warning, he’s… eccentric.” By “eccentric,” he means “the kind of guy who gets unnervingly excited about murder and knows way too much about poison.” Naturally, Watson’s like, “Yes, that sounds like a perfectly reasonable situation, I’ll move in immediately.” I mean, who among us hasn’t ignored all the red flags because the rent was cheap?

We’ve all been there, right? It’s like when you’re scrolling through roommate ads and you’re like, “Yeah, I can totally live with a guy who thinks cats are government spies as long as he doesn’t leave dishes in the sink.” Well, spoiler alert: Sherlock Holmes is basically that guy, but instead of cats, it’s an unhealthy fixation with murder methods.

Sherlock: The Roommate Who Knows a *Little Too Much* About Bloodstains

Watson moves in, and 221B Baker Street becomes , if your goal is to live with a guy who solves mysteries and doesn’t know basic facts like that the Earth goes around the sun (yes, really, and he is weirdly proud of his ignorance). Sherlock’s out here inventing CSI technology to figure out if that stain on the carpet is blood or marinara sauce, and Watson’s in the corner like, “I need to write all of this down because this is my brand now.” I honestly wondered if at any point Watson didn’t regret just asking to sleep on his friend’s couch instead.

Sherlock Holmes and his priorities

Crime Time: Sherlock Goes Full Extra

Then, we get to the meat of it: a murder! Sherlock’s eyes light up like it’s Christmas morning, and within five minutes at the crime scene, he’s spouting off details like, “The killer has unusually long fingernails, smokes a rare brand of Cuban cigars, and once had a pet ferret named Gerald.” You’re sitting there, barely able to remember where you left your keys this morning, and Sherlock’s solving crimes with nothing but vibes and obscure footprints.

You think you’ve signed up for a classic detective mystery, and everything is chugging along nicely until…

The Wildest Plot Twist Ever: Yee-Haw, We’re Going to Utah

Yes, you read that right. Just as we’re settling into a cozy Victorian detective story, Doyle takes a sharp left turn and yeets us into the wilds of 19th-century Utah, where we encounter a whole saga involving lost love, vengeance, and, oh yeah, a group of bloodthirsty Mormons. It’s as if Arthur Conan Doyle briefly forgot he was writing a Sherlock Holmes story and decided to moonlight as a writer for *Gunsmoke*. 

Look, I’m not saying it’s bad—it’s just… confusing. One minute I’m happily following Sherlock as he points out that the suspect’s shoes are worn down on the left side, and the next, I’m trapped in a melodramatic Western revenge plot involving beards and polygamy. It’s a lot to process, and I’m still not entirely sure how we got there.

Sherlock Holmes goes to the Wild Wild West

Final Verdict

Verdict: Look, it’s a wild ride, and I’m still recovering from the sudden detour into the American Wild West. But I gotta admit, I’m curious enough to stick around and see what other fever dreams Holmes and Watson get up to. I won’t be re-reading A Study in Scarlet but I can’t help but wonder that maybe in the next book he’ll solve a mystery on Mars or include a number from Female Rage: The Musical. Oh, you *bet* I am going to find time for another Sherlock mystery. It’s chaotic, it’s weird, and honestly, that’s what I’m here for.

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*This book was bought with my own money

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