I’m hyperventilating with joy. Bucket list item achieved!

I’m so lucky. I need to stress that. I am so incredibly lucky.

My favorite musical of all time is Chicago. The plot line involves a prison full of women who are there because they murdered their significant others. As the musical unfolds, you watch as they build defenses based on lies and try to use the media to their advantage. I love the music, the storyline, Roxy Hart’s devious ways, and Velma Kelly’s attempts to maintain her fame. It’s sexy. It’s funny. And it’s even better live and on Broadway.

My significant other might have had concerns about my complete adoration for a story involving women killing their romantic partners, but the fact that everyone was performing in what amounted to lingerie made him feel better about the whole experience. Obviously, I’m being a wee bit tongue in cheek but can you believe there were families that brought kids to the show? I was kind of dumbfounded when I saw a nine year old. It’s not that kind of musical people!

All the core actors were phenomenal. The actress that played Roxy Hart perfectly embodied Roxy Hart. To a tee. And Billy Flynn? The actor was so good at his role as a smooth talking lawyer. I wanted to flirt with him so he could tell me the only thing he cared about was my money. Velma Kelly was such a strong character that was pulled off with such precision. I really have nothing bad to say! The whole cast should be tremendously proud of themselves!

Waiting for the show to start!

I Seriously Can Not Believe the Talent of These People. Their dancing and singing was out of this world… and the women did it in heels! Everyone was ridiculously good. Even those who were meant to be only background dancers stood out because they just rocked.

Obviously, I can geek out about this all day long. It’s hard to talk about how great a show is without wanting to spoil the plot or ruin the ending.

And if you can’t make it to Broadway? The movie is pretty wonderful too. Catherine Zeta-Jones nails the Velma Kelly character.

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0 thoughts on “Chicago on Broadway!

  • Oh that’s so great you got to fulfill that wish! I have to admit I’ve never seen Chicago, but I think I’d better hunt it down:)

  • I NEED to see this show!! It sounds amazing but I will have to settle for the movie until it decides to tour over here. I can’t believe I haven’t seen it yet. So glad you enjoyed the show, Kristen. 🙂 Your review of it was great & I love the photo of you two– soo cute!!

    • It was really an incredible show. The experience between the show and the movie is so different though I love them both!

      And thank you! I tend to think he makes me look better! 🙂

      • I think I need to see both the show & the movie then!! & no way, it’s the other way around– you make him look better. 😉 hehe.

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