It’s taken me over a month to post about the Fourth of July, but I DID IT (eventually) and here it is.

This was going to be a special fourth of July for me. It had been on my bucket list to celebrate our nation *in* the nation’s capital for a while. Unfortunately, it turned into a political monster with the announcement of tanks and a salute to America, but all I really cared about was the fireworks. I’m so basic.

Within the hour, the Washington Monument will disappear behind a cloud of smoke.

Everyone gathered on the lawn of the Washington Monument. There was definitely a laidback party atmosphere. Although I couldn’t see a lick of the concert that was happening, they had speakers throughout the area. The highlights were hearing Lindsay Stirling absolutely rock the violin and an incredible performance by the one and only Carole King (my heart may have died when I heard her perform!).

And that was probably the last magical moment of the evening before things started going downhill.


Don’t get me wrong, the fireworks were INCREDIBLE… for the first five minutes. But then smoke and clouds started happening.


Within ten minutes the smoke was overpowering. You couldn’t see a single firework, and a sulfuric cloud was fast approaching the lawns. A mass exodus began to take place as people choked on ash and debris.


As I looked back before leaving, I caught this view of the Washington Monument. It had been completely eaten up by the firecracker induced fog.


It also seeped into the city. Talk about a bad walk to the hotel. The air reeked of rotten eggs and visibility was terrible. I also blamed the smoke for the wicked headache I got trying to get back.

All I wanted was the fireworks and I enjoyed every minute of the five that I could see them. It was a shame that it turned into a disaster. However, I can promise you that it was the best firework show I never saw.

And, really, it was a completely memorable experience! How could I ask for anything more?

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