I am not a big fan of pork. By that I mean pork chops, because YOU KNOW I love ham and am having a not-so-secret affair with bacon. But pork chops? Hard. Pass.

BUT, since I’m always in the pursuit of new recipes, and diving into foods that I would normally say “No, thank you” too, I decided to give this Creamy Pork Stew a try aaaaaaaand….

I think I just found *THE* winter soup recipe of the year. Really. And it’s strange because one of my favorite parts of this was the pork. It was all juicy and tender and made me question everything I thought I knew about myself. God help me, I wanted seconds because of the cut up pork chops!

And bonus, this was stupidly easy to make. It uses a slow cooker and you just get to dump soup, veggies, and pork in a pot and let it simmer for a couple hours. If you could see me now, you’d know that I am legitimately geeking out over this stew… and it doesn’t even have sugar in it!

You can find the recipe on Sugar-Free Mom!

(What was I doing on a site touting “sugar free” recipes anyway? That is so not me!)

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