I seem to have a habit of only wanting items once it’s out of fashion and out of stock.

Take the Chloe Paraty handbag. I LOVE it. It has a style and structure to it that gives it a character completely separate from all the totes, satchels, and hobo bags. It stands out, but not in an annoying “Look at me, I NEED YOUR ATTENTION” way, but a “damn, where’d you get that girl?” kind of way.

Unfortunately, this is out of date, and is no longer sold in stores. Weeellll, maybe not that unfortunate since I never would’ve been able to afford the $1800+ price tag. However, now that it is so yesterday according to the fashion world, means that I can shop eBay, Tradesy, and PoshMark for some significant secondhand savings!

And honestly, wouldn’t this look absolutely lush on my arm? I think so.

Image from Chloe

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2 thoughts on “Fashion Cravings: Chloe Paraty Bag

  • I always start liking a trend, like TV shows or certain styles, after it goes OUT, too. I hope you found this purse for cheap somewhere! The color is so cute.

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